5 Tips to Help You Be An Oktoberfest Meister!
- September 25, 2018
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With Edmonton Oktoberfest happening Saturday, September 29th, and Calgary Oktoberfest happening Saturday, October 6th – ABF wanted to pass along some tips to help you be the Oktoberfest Meister you always knew you could be!
If you’ve ever traveled, you already know the importance of either staying with, or at the very least, learning about things from a local. Locals know the great spots to eat, the fastest way to get around, and the best ways to have a good time. Attending an event is a lot like travelling. Yes, you’re almost definitely going to have fun, but having the inside scoop will help you get the most out of your experience. With that in mind, Alberta Beer Festivals has put together 5 tips that will help you maximize your flugelhorn-infused pleasure at this year’s Edmonton & Calgary Oktoberfests!
Tip #1 – Impress Your Friends By Knowing the History!
King Ludwig I of Bavaria is by far our favorite 19th century Bavarian royalty, though you have to admire the ‘staches on Otto Von Bismarck and Wilhelm I. If these other guys have such great facial hair, then why, you ask, is our favorite King Ludwig I? It’s because he’s the one we have to thank for the world-wide celebration known as Oktoberfest!
It all began when King Ludwig I was married to Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen on 12th October, 1810. To celebrate not only their marriage, but also Princess Therese no longer wasting 6 minutes every time she had to write out her last name, the then Prince Ludwig invited the people of Munich to the festivities on the fields in front of the city gates. The initial intent was for people to focus on horse races, but as with all good stories, this one has a happy ending. Because so much beer was consumed, that became the new focus of the now over 200 year-old event!
Tip #2 – Know The Songs & Traditions for More Oktoberfun!
Though they’ve had to cancel the event 24 times since it started due to wars and outbreaks of disease, the official Munich Oktoberfest is now attended by more than 6 million people annually, and the concept has spread around the globe to dozens of other countries. On top of the beer, food, music and games, people can find other ways to really get their ‘Oktoberfest on!’ Drumming on the table can start in one area of the event and spread until everyone has joined in. There are also a few different ways to ‘cheers’ someone at the event. The traditional Oktoberfest chants include saying “Ein Protist” (cheers or good health) before you drink and “Zicke, zacke, zicke, zacke, hoi, hoi, hoi” before you chug. The “Ein Prosit” song goes as follows…
- “Ein Prosit “ (With Beer stein or glass in hand)
- A Salute to Your Health or Well-being!
- Ein Prosit, Ein Prosit, der Gemütlichkeit
- Ein Prosit, Ein Prosit, der Gemütlichkeit
- (Cheer!) Eins, zwei, drei g’suffa!
- Zicke, zacke, zicke, zacke, hoi, hoi, hoi,
- Zicke, zacke, zicke, zacke, hoi, hoi, hoi,
- Prosit!
Tip #3 – Be There to Win!
Alberta Beer Festivals and Craft Beer Market are giving away a trip to the Toronto Oktoberfest – including flight, hotel, and a GC to the Craft Beer Market there! The only catch is that you have to be at Oktoberfest to win! On top of that, there will be prizes for the best dressed Oktoberfesters!
Tip #4 – Get There Early!
You’ll want to be in the thick of things to get the full Oktoberfest experience – and getting there early is the perfect way to do that! From watching the cask tapping, to being in the middle of the crowd to sing your new favorite Oktoberfest song, the sooner you get there, the sooner you can get the lay of the land and find yourself the perfect spot for a night of crazy German fun! Even better, you can reserve your table so it is ready and waiting for you when you arrive.
Edmonton Oktoberfest – Seating will be based on first come, first serve basis. If reservations are required, please email ricehowardevents@craftbeermarket.ca to secure your table
Calgary Oktoberfest – For reservations, please email 10thaveevents@craftbeermarket.ca to secure your table!
Tip #5 – Know All the Important Details!
$10 (plus taxes & fees) – Includes 0.5L of Erdinger Weisse, Dunkel or Oktoberfest and you get to keep the mug too!
GET TICKETS: www.showpass.com/2018-edmonton-oktoberfest
GET TICKETS: www.showpass.com/2018-calgary-oktoberfest
Entertainment & Draw
- Cask tapping around 6pm to kick off festivities
- Grand Prizes – trip to Oktoberfest in Toronto including hotel and flights
- Live music & entertainment starting at 6pm
- Sampling Flights – Local and Oktoberfest themed sampling flights
- It’s not Oktoberfest without traditional German attire. Be sure to wear your dirndls and lederhosen as there will be prizes for the best dressed Mr & Mrs. Oktoberfest
Das Food and Bier
Oktoberfest feature food menu will be available and an Okoberfest feature 6-Pack Sampler!
Edmonton – www.craftbeermarket.ca/edmonton/events#oktoberfest
Calgary – www.craftbeermarket.ca/calgary/downtown/events
Keep up to date with everything happening in the Alberta beer community by following us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram at @ABBeerfestivals
For more information, email me at brobinson@albertabeerfestivals.com. Thanks and see you at Oktoberfest!
Bill Robinson