#BeTheBrewer Contest – Name the Beer!
- January 22, 2018
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Is it your ‘Destiny’ to name ABF’s Spring Festival Beer? We think it might be…..
Anyone who says that a name isn’t important should ask themselves, ‘Have I ever heard of a president or noble prize winner called Destiny?” Point made.
We’ve all tried to name something at some point in our lives. Maybe you’ve named a car (I miss you Stephanie), a kid (hopefully your own), a pet (R.I.P. P-Diddy, you were a good fish), or a partner’s special body part (like their eyes – get your mind out of the gutter!) Regardless of what you have tried to name, have you ever been rewarded for it? Probably not (especially if that kid has grown into a teenager or if your pets are as indifferent to your existence as mine are to me – forget the money you may have had to pour into your vehicle….)
Well ABF wants to give you a positive naming experience! In Stage 1 of the contest, we chose the style of beer we are brewing – fancy a Saison anyone? – and now we want you to name the beer for the 2018 #BetheBrewer contest! ABF believes that the name of a beer is as important as the first impression you make when you meet someone, (should we ever meet – please don’t let your handshake be the equivalent of putting a dead fish in my hand…). If your name is chosen, not only will you have bragging rights, you’ll also win some amazing prizes – including the chance to brew the beer and invite people to try ‘your’ beer at the Calgary International Beerfest May 4/5 or the Edmonton Craft Beer Festival June 1/2. Have any of the other things you’ve named ever let you do that? Didn’t think so.
Congratulations goes out to Danielle from Edmonton! Danielle won Stage 1 – Choose the Style – of the #BeTheBrewer Contest! You too can be a winner like Danielle! Check out the contest at: https://albertabeerfestivals.com/bethebrewer/ and submit your idea for our beer name!