Calgary Weather Happens! – The Mashing Moves Indoors
- September 18, 2018
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A few years back, I was lucky enough to be hiking the Machu Pichu Trail in Peru in the middle of July. Obviously July was their winter, and as we crested the highest peak of the trail, we were greeted with waste deep snow and walls of sleet blowing into our eyes. Needless to say, we were questioning our decision to travel somewhere wintery during our relatively short summer. The only solace we could take was that when we finally got back to somewhere with internet, we discovered that at the same time we were enjoying a blizzard in the Andes, Calgary was getting pelted with hail and snow as well – and that to me sums up the unpredictable nature of the weather in Calgary.
It is with all this Calgary weather in mind that we announce that Calgary’s ultimate beer and spirit sampling experience is headed indoors this weekend! The MASHING Calgary was initially going to be an indoor/outdoor festival, but with weather people calling for snow, Alberta Beer Festivals (ABF) decided to move everything inside the Grandstand on Stampede Park where the event is being held. “We initially wanted the event to be part outdoors to give it a different vibe from our spring events,” says Craig Sorrette, Director of Exhibitor Happiness and Team Morale for ABF. “Funny thing happened when we decided to move the MASHING indoors – we discovered that we had such a wide variety of incredible entertainment, not to mention a huge selection of craft beers, spirits, ciders and food – this event has taken on an amazing and distinct energy of its own.”
As you enter ‘The MASHING’ Calgary, you’ll feel the same energy and excitement you get when you travel somewhere amazing for the first time. Around every corner, you`ll find tantalizing sensations that allow you to:
- Sip and savour craft spirits, craft beer, craft cider and delicious food from amazing breweries, distilleries, cideries and eateries!
- Hear the incredible sounds of David Bradford and then listen to DJ Rusty Meeks, David Humphrey and Cousin Flamingo’s Record Party hosted by the Dandy Brewing Company as you explore the different areas inside!
- Watch Cirque de la Nuit perform an amazing 7 min Gatsby inspired duo Cirque content piece called Femme Fatale, which features theatrics and storyline, dance, acrobatics, multi LED hoop spinning and acrobatic pole aerials!
- Help the Food Bank by bringing apples to the event – Uncommon Cider is collecting apples to make a cider which when sold, will fundraise for those in need. Just drop the apples off when you arrive then enjoy the event!
- Enjoy movies on a giant screen from Fresh Air Cinema!
- Tap in to our Cask stage featuring one of a kind beers you won’t find anywhere else on earth!
- Connect with this amazing community as we all come together over incredible food and beverage to celebrate all the things we believe in!
- Support two amazing charities – AAFS and Kids Up Front!
- Become a star or take that amazing shot and share it on the photo wall hosted by the Camera Store!
- Experience a sampling event like no other in the world – and feel the excitement of travel right here in your own city!
That’s what ABF wants to do for you in a small way with The MASHING Calgary. We want you to experience the sensation of immersing yourself in something new and different – to make you feel as if you have traveled somewhere incredible, so that you can live deeper and tell better stories.
The MASHING – Calgary – September 21 & 22, 2018 @ Stampede Grandstand (indoors!)
Get tickets now at: https://www.showpass.com/2018-the-mashing-calgary-2/ (use promo code MASH25 to save 25% now!)
Keep up to date with everything happening in the Alberta beer community by following us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram @ABBeerfestivals and use #mashingyyc